Saturday, November 6, 2010

Amber DuBois Killer Tell Killing Reasons

Amber tonight DuBois "murderer reveals how and why he killed Amber. Amber Chelsea DuBois and King were killed by Juan Alberto Gardner III, 31. Initially, the researchers compared a map where the two teenagers were found.'s parents said Nancy Amber Grace in Time "Only the similarities in our case, you know, if there is any connection with Mr. Gardner and our case, I want to be there for processing and implementation will soon be hope."
Tonight, Gardner, convicted in May, tells how and why he killed two teenagers. The CBS broadcast interview, however, is being criticized for giving voice to a murderer tonight. "How dare CBS interview this devil, while families are just grieving. Boycott now sponsors 48 Hours," wrote viewer tonight.

Amber Dubois was 14 at the time of his death, King was 17. Escondido police Chief Jim Maher told news of the day: "I certainly had hoped that when the day came to a press conference in amber would be much more under different circumstances, but it would not be."
Amber's parents said in March this year, "Please take a minute for every tear you shed for Amber, for Chelsea and for any child who has suffered at the hands of these predators. and come back tomorrow and take only few minutes as many action in our fight to protect our children. "
Gardner said 48 hours for your special night "Taken: The Amber Dubois Story" that "I will kill you. I know I will. I'm the guy that needs to be locked up forever."
Gardner gives gruesome details of how he got the DuBois of 14 years in his car the day before Valentine's Day, February 13, 2009. Amber was last seen near Escondido.
"I went driving down the street. And this is the first time I saw her. I stood beside her with open windows in the car. He had a knife and visible. And I said that I also had a gun. And get in the car or it would be much worse. She really looked a little in shock and disbelief. And I asked if I was joking. And I raised my voice and shouted: "No, get the 'F' in the car. "I went to the remote area."


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