Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nevada Election Results 2010:Harry Reid Wins

In a Senate race in Nevada voters professed as one, a winner has finally emerged.
 now the projects is long Harry Reid as the victor on the Republican Party favorite tea Sharron Angle.
It was a knock-down battle for Reid, who has been under constant attack since becoming Republican Senate Majority Leader in 2007.
Angle to keep the rhythm of the drum, saying Reid was trying to "make God our government, by supporting social welfare programs. He also stated that he was soft on illegal aliens.
The aggressiveness paid off for former school teacher as he ran up with Reid at the polls.
But his campaign was beset also by the rarity. She famously claimed two cities in America, one of which no longer exists, is governed by fundamentalist Islamic law. Reid used his faux pas, calling it a "savage" and "end" legislator who would dismantle Social Security and the strength of pregnant rape victims to have the baby.
Neither candidate appeared to convince voters of Nevada that could solve the state's severe economic problems, including the highest unemployment rate in the country and a housing market that has fallen off a cliff.
In the end, voters seemed to have chosen Nevada Senator who know more than the rival fighter.


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