Sunday, November 7, 2010

NewYork Marathon Race 2010 26.2 Miles

Running 26.2 miles is hard. Running is less a toenail a few is more difficult.
I'll be in the pack of 43,000 runners in the New York marathon on Sunday, and this is what I learned in five months of training: the resistance of Skills for the distance is only a portion of the necessary preparation to complete.
Marathon runners battle strange physical problems and obstacles in training and race day - things he never imagined until I started doing it myself.
Here are some things you might not know about long-distance runners:
* Black toenails: Runners in the blood blisters under fingernails. Fall over time. This happens to run too far and too hard on shoes that are too tight around the toes. I have a black nail on each foot.
* Bridge of urination: You may get peed. After a long wait in Staten Island to begin the marathon, a lot of riders to go. They stand to urinate on the side of the Verrazano Bridge and later the Queensboro Bridge. If you're in the period of leave, you want to stay in the middle lane or the risk of a nasty shower.
* Irritation: Runners slather their bodies (ie, private parties) in any of Vaseline or a waxy substance called Bodyglide. Without it, the top layer of skin is removed due to friction and prolonged wetness. I have chafing once along the ribs, and it hurt like 100 bee stings. Never again.
* Bleeding nipples: You've seen the red circles in the marathon revealing photos. Not that kind. Men need to protect your nipples with strips, Breathe Right strips or petroleum jelly to prevent chafing and bleeding.
* Shooter Sal: Stay hydrated to prevent muscle cramps is the key. As an additional precaution, many travel corridors fast food packaging joint packages salt. They shoot one in the starting line and maybe about 18 miles or 20 to retain fluid.
* The glass skin of salt crust: Even with an increase in sodium, runners lose a lot of salt through sweating in the race. In the end, many of us have arms, legs and faces with a shimmering crust, white coating, salt crystal.
* Saliva and mucus: It happens to the elite and newcomers. Runners spit and nose blowing through the race. It just made. Somehow in the end, through the frenzied last few miles (they say), we will miss noticing the mouth saliva and too tired to worry about the runny nose. If the face is covered with saliva and mucus in the line, please joy for me anyway.
* Cotton is the enemy: Woe to the broker that uses cotton clothes for the race. Running the clothes are expensive for a reason: it absorbs fantasy, dry woven fabrics is like a magic shield against the horrors mentioned above ....


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