Sunday, November 7, 2010

ohio unemployment And Governer Race 2010

Former Congressman John Kasich Gov. Ted Strickland defeated Nov. 2, giving the Republicans control of a state considered crucial to the presidential election of 2012.
The 58-year-old beat Strickland Kasich attacks by the loss of 400,000 jobs. The Democratic governor said the national economic factors and declining unemployment - without success.
The fight hurts both Strickland and Lieutenant Governor, Lee Fisher, who led the administration of the first efforts at job creation. Fisher lost his bid for U.S. Senate Tuesday.
With 98 percent of precincts reporting, Kasich was a little over 49 percent of the vote, just under 47 percent of Strickland. Provisional ballots cast by those whose votes were challenged by lack of identification or who have changed addresses were still pending.
Strickland fought Kasich attacks on his record as managing director of Lehman Brothers, the investment bank did not, promising to provide a more business-minded approach to the state's economy.
Kasich victory was fueled by the support among voters in dozens of rural and suburban counties, where the two men an intense campaign in recent weeks of the race followed closely. Strickland, also a former congressman, said victory in a swath of counties in southeast Ohio standing, including his home county of Scioto.
Both Strickland and Kasich told voters more than a year of campaigning that his approach could best fix the ailing economy of the state. The once-proud manufacturing state has lost some 400,000 jobs since 2007, and unemployment is 10 percent. Unlike the planned state budget up to 8 billion U.S. dollars looms.
Strickland, an ordained minister and psychologist, voters endorse its efforts to curb college tuition, expand health care access for children and Rewriting system unconstitutional Ohio's school funding. He said that education is the key to the economic future of Ohio.
But Kasich ultimately prevailed with his message of smaller government, tax cuts and reduced business regulation.
Kasich will sit on the switchboard powerful, which draws state legislative districts that will take place over the next 10 years. He will also be a sign of strength in Congressional districts to be drawn by a legislature that the November 2 election gave the Republicans.
Ohio was seen as a state that the GOP had to win if he wanted a chance to oust President Barack Obama to the White House in two years, and a statement of Obama needed to ensure that its support was eroded further in other parts of the country.
Kasich Strickland tied the popular once the Obama administration, criticizing him for supporting the expansion of government and tax increases. Strickland said only a delay in the reduction of income tax for two years in a terrible recession - but the tag tax increase damage.
Kasich proposed plans to reduce the size of government formwork Ohio Ohio Department of Development and its replacement by a panel of business executives and said he wants to eliminate the state income tax. He said he would dismantle the system of financing education Strickland if elected, saying it is unfunded.
Was supported by the National Federation of Independent Business in Ohio and a historical support of the Chamber of Commerce in Ohio.
Strickland and Kasich has raised a record combined $ 31.4 million, from last accounts before the election. Spending was also on track to break a record for the careers of former governor.
In addition to Fisher, a number of fellow Democrats of Strickland also fell to defeat, including U.S. congressmen Zack Space, Mary Jo Kilroy and John Boccieri. Democrats also lost control of the House from Ohio who was held for two years.


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