Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prop 19 California Polls Calif Results 2010

Hi guys as you know Our site has all the latest news bits on the California Proposition 19 polls that are out of the Internet. The stories on this page are the new "Prop 19 California polls" bits. navigate back an hour to get more support from the most recent California polls 19 bits Go get it! Happy reading!.
California voters decided Tuesday the possibility that their state the first to legalize recreational marijuana, drawing attention around the world the top of the 160 ballot measures in 37 states also include proposals to cut division taxes and abortion ban.
In Oklahoma, voters overwhelmingly approved three measures that has dismayed some progressive groups and immigrant rights. You make English the state "common and unifying language" another requires a photo ID issued by the government to vote, and the third forbids state courts to consider international law and Islamic law in deciding cases.
California's proposal - the title of the Regulation, Control and Tax Act of cannabis - which allow adults age 21 to up to one ounce of marijuana, use off the public, provided that no children were present and grow into small private plots.
The initiative, Proposition 19 on the state ballot, would authorize local governments to allow commercial cultivation of marijuana and sale and consumption of marijuana in licensed facilities.
Defenders have released as a sensitive, though unprecedented experiment that would provide much needed revenue for cash-strapped state, dent of drug-related violence in Mexico, causing cooker prices fall sharply and reduce marijuana arrests they say disproportionately target minority youth.
The powers of the State of the NAACP and the League of United Latin American Citizens have been approved, as well as several retired police chiefs. Several California cities have measures on their ballots company local sales tax retail marijuana if the measure passes.
While marijuana is already available in the store medical marijuana dispensaries in California, Proposition 19 lost in recent opinion polls. All major newspapers, both political parties, both candidates for governor and all but a handful of political leaders have spoken out against it.
Federal officials said they would continue the implementation of laws against marijuana possession and sales, and does not rule out suing to overturn California's initiative if approved.
Proposition 19 supporters were buoyed by a new Gallup poll shows that national support for the legalization of marijuana has reached a high of 46 percent. Gallup said majority support could come in a few years if current trends continue.
"No matter what happens (with Proposition 19), it is now undeniable that national public opinion is increasingly against the idea that responsible adults should be criminalized for using a substance less harmful than alcohol," Rob Kampia of the Marijuana Policy Project. "We're looking forward to achieve major victories in 2012."
In South Dakota, voters rejected a measure to legalize medical marijuana - a step already taken by California and 13 other states. A measure of medical marijuana was also on the ballot in Arizona, and Oregon voters will decide whether to extend the state of existing legislation authorizing medical marijuana clinics licensed by the state.
Among other notable ballot issues on Tuesday:
_For First time since the 1990's, there were no measures to prohibit marriage between same sex. But in Iowa, voters were deciding whether to expel three judges of the state Supreme Court joined a unanimous 2009 decision that legalized gay marriage no.
_Oklahoma Voters approved an amendment proposed by the annulment of the segment of the new federal law requiring health care people to have health insurance. Similar measures were on ballots in Arizona and Colorado.
_ In Colorado, the political leaders of both major parties opposed three measures to prohibit loans for public works, reducing income tax and cut property taxes the school district. Opponents said the proposals would cost the state $ 2.1 billion in revenue and eliminate tens of thousands of jobs.
_A Measure on the ballot in Massachusetts would lower the state sales tax from 6.25 to 3 percent. Critics said that would force the state to cut $ 2.5 billion in services.
_Washington state voters had the opportunity to repeal taxes on candy, soda and bottled water passed by legislators last year, which would eliminate a projected $ 352 million in revenues in five years. Another proposal would impose a tax on the income of the State on any income above $ 200,000, or $ 400,000 for couples.
_color Voters were deciding on an anti-abortion "personality" amendment - similar to one rejected in 2008 - which would give the unborn fetuses of human rights in the state constitution.
_California Proposition 23, the state will suspend emissions of greenhouse gases landmark law until the unemployment rate falls to 5.5 percent over a year. It is backed out of the state oil companies, are the enemies of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and alternative energy entrepreneurs.
_An Arizona measure would ban affirmative action programs for state and local governments based on race, ethnicity or gender.
_In Pennsylvania, where the two most recent former governors have been convicted of federal charges, a proposed amendment would empower voters to recall the governor.


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