Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prop 19 California Polls Results 2010 Brown Boxer Win

AP calls race Brown, Brown Boxer, Boxer still ahead, trails McNerney
With 23 percent of the votes in:
- Brown is moving away from Boxer Whitman leads by 48-46 Percent 51-44 Percent Fiorina
- David Harmer leads Republican Jerry McNerney in the 11th district House race representation in the area of Morgan Hill to Lodi to San Ramon.
- No new results from the office of Santa Clara County, the elections have been posted for an hour. Brown, Boxer Keep leads, carrying marijuana support
With 10 percent of the votes in:
- Jerry Brown takes 51 to 43 percent Meg Whitman in the race for governor
- Carly Fiorina Barbara Boxer takes 49 to 45 percent in the race for U.S. Senate
- Proposition 19, which would legalize marijuana, trails 55-44
- Proposition 23, which California law stop global warming, is losing 61 to 39
- Proposition 25, which would allow state legislators to pass a budget with a majority is up to 56-44
- Proposition 21, a surcharge of $ 18 DMV for state parks, is behind 58 to 42
8:30 pm: Brown, lead Boxer
With 8 percent yields, Barbara Boxer Carly Fiorina took 47 to 46 percent. And in the race for governor, Jerry Brown, Meg Whitman, has 50 to 45 percent.
Meanwhile, opponents of Proposition 23, whichAdvertisingCalifornia law suspending the global warming, the victory of the claim.
20:15: The Secretary of State website for
Nice schedule. "This website is temporariliy available." Ouch.
20:00: polls close in California - Wasserman, V and W measures leading large
As the first published results absence, Mike Wasserman Williams Forest leads the race for District 1 supervisor per share 60-40, San Jose Measure V and W - What would clip cost of pensions for public employees - led by large margins.
19:45: Russ Feingold loses
Three-term Democratic Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin history lost re-election bid to Republican Ron Johnson tonight.
In combination with tablets of the Republican Party in Michigan, Arkansas and North Carolina, Republicans so far have a net gain of four seats in the Senate. It takes 10 to take control of the Senate.
Careers in Illinois, Colorado and Pennsylvania remains too close to call.
19:30: Incumbent House Democrats in the South, Midwest, dropping
Courtesy of the Associated Press and policy, a list of headlines that Democrats have been defeated so far this evening:
- Rep. Allen Boyd (D-Florida)
- Alan Grayson, representative (D-Florida)
- Rep. Suzanne Kosmas (D-Florida)
- Rep. Baron Hill (D-Ind.)
- Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-N.H.)
- Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-Tenn.)
- Rep. Chet Edwards (D-Texas)
- Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.)
- Rep. Glenn Nye (D-Va.)
- Rep. Tom Perriello (D-Va.)
It is not for Republican House members have so far been defeated, but is expected to lose several in Louisiana and Hawaii.
Democratic-held open seats that the parties have changed:
- Indiana eighth (Rep. Brad Ellsworth)
- 6 Tennessee (Rep. Bart Gordon)
- Tennessee eighth (Rep. Stephen Fincher)
19:15: Dem Chairman: Democrats lost the House
Democratic Committee Chairman Tim Kaine minutes ago told the press that the Democrats will lose control of the House of Representatives tonight.


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