Thursday, February 24, 2011

7 wonders of the ancient world

More read about"7 wonders of the world, colossus of rhodes, seven wonders of the world, seven wonders of the ancient world, wonders of the world " 7 of the World "Wonders (or 7 Wonders of the Ancient World), a tourist guide for a list of ancient Greece, the ancient structure of the common people in any significant number of mentions, in particular, 1 and 2 BC. Have been the most important one of these versions of Antipater, Philo Byzantine Empire and the observer is to identify the seven work is made up of the Mediterranean rim. At the same time, the initial source of inspiration to many versions of this list through the ages, often a limited number of tickets for the original seven wonders of the seven, only -. Giza, this is ironically the oldest in the ancient marvels, will want to keep the pyramid today to acquire by . Ancient Greeks loved beautiful structures of its list of the world. Although we believe that the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as a list, today, it was not, in itself is pretty much similar to some Greek writers. Have been of Antipater, and produced the two most famous Philo Byzantine lists.
Many items in the appropriate lists in six of seven. The location of the final lists to receive some of the city walls of Babylon. Other people, the Palace of Cyrus, Persian king was the seventh. Finally, in the 6th century AD in the direction of the last installment to the lighthouse at Alexandria was.
It was the Greeks who created the list is not unusal because the things that were a lot of examples of Greek culture. Wonderful Great Wall of China can be listed author if IT will be recognized, or Stonehenge if you want to see that, but these sites were outside the bounds of their world.
is not surprised that there are a lot of knowledge about the Seven Wonders of exactly the same time. Even in ancient times and, still be here, a time machine to see all seven. In Egypt, the Great Pyramid was built during the centuries just before the other, and yet today most other people around hundreds of years only, or alive, much less (only "surprise" is still intact). Rhodes Colossus slightly more than half a century, was an earthquake that toppled the previous.


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