Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hot Chocolate Having 15k

I entered it, hoping he could finish around a 12:30 pace. (I was doing the 15K.) Unfortunately my knee had other plans.
Anyway, so start at the beginning. It was cold out there this morning! I think around 29 degrees when we woke up without knowing what it was when we reached the city, but not much warmer. And it was full. Two runs with 15,000 runners each. I will say this - there were more than enough port-a-potties, with RAM Racing! Not even have to wait in line.
This starts the 15K, and I start out slowly. I did not want to get caught leaving at a faster rate as is common in racing. The sailor started a little faster than me, that was fine, I thought it would be slower in the second half and I would catch up.
No luck.
Things were going well. I kept calm and it felt so good, I figured I should be able to run at least the whole thing at this rate, maybe even make the second half a little faster.
But just after the halfway point, my knee started hurting.
My knee has felt this way before racing, usually after a bit (either running or walking), is gone. So I thought I just walk until he left. So I walked.
Every few minutes I would try to start running again. No more pain. This is the amount of miles was 5-8. Walk walk walk walk try to run OW foot to foot trying to run OW walk walk walk, etc. Finally, about 8 miles I figured well, I think I'll just walk the rest of the road.
Honestly, it was a big disappointment. He knew that without the pain of the knee that could have run a good race (for me). It was a race so great, it would be fun to finish with a lot of other runners. Instead, I walked and ended up with people who intended to run the race. I tried really hard not to be negative, but not much else to do when you have to walk for 4.5 miles. And I do not run with music. So it was just me and my thoughts with walkers.
When I reached the final, I tried to at least look like I was running to cross the finish line. But it really hurts and if they did take a picture of me crossing the finish line, I can make faces. At this point my jacket zipper and could not see my bib so I will probably never see those pictures that's fine. I pose for some photos with my sample dorsal finalists. My sunglasses hid my tears. (How poetic.)
After finishing the race I hobbled around, eventually went online for the chocolate fondue (which was really delicious) and found the sailor. He was very sweet once he realized my disappointment pain. Actually a very good race career, he was much better than I thought it would.


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