Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Julia Roberts And Diwali Wishes

The Oscar-winning Hollywood star Julia Roberts (Pretty Woman), newly converted to Hinduism, says: "Independence Day should be held unanimously in all the world as a goodwill gesture." In his Diwali wishes', published on the website of the leading Indian English daily The Times of India of November 3, Roberts adds that the essence of Christmas and Independence Day is the same as "festival of lights good humor and death of evil. "

Roberts also points out that Diwali (Hindu festival celebrated on November 5) "not only belongs to Hinduism, but is universal in nature and essence as well. Diwali ignites the values of self confidence, love for humanity , peace, prosperity and above all eternity that is beyond all mortal factors ... When I think of Independence Day, I can not imagine a world broken up into fragments by narrow feelings of communalism and religion is not concerned about human kindness. "

"Since I developed my taste and love for Hinduism, I have been deeply attracted and fascinated by the many facets of Hinduism multidimensional ... spirituality transcends many barriers of religion simple," said Roberts. Speaking of India, promised to "return to this sacred land and again the best of creativity."
Welcoming Roberts to try to plumb the depths of Hinduism and pointing to its universality, an eminent Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today said that Hinduism had a universal appeal that was very practical. It offers something for every form on every road and disposal.


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