Sunday, November 7, 2010

Now Us Current Time

Time Machine is a backup system convenient and recommend all Mac users who may or may not regularly back up your data. In addition to its uses, Time Machine has a few quirks, and the other is that after using Time Machine for a while some people may find the system has created several backup systems in the "backups.backupdb" folder on the Time Machine disk.
When Time Machine runs, it will store all instances of backup in a folder that is given the name of the current system, so if you connect to a computer called "Computer1," will create a folder "/ backups. backupdb/Computer1 "in the Time Machine disk in which to store backups of the system. If the unit is connected to a second team called Computer2 ", a folder for this team will be set alongside that of Computer1.
This is only done if the same unit of time machine is used for multiple computer systems, and is perfectly normal to see, especially if you are using network backups, as a time capsule. The backup folder for a particular computer is not up to him by name but by other unique identifiers such as MAC address of the system, which are stored in hidden files in the root of the drive for Time Machine. Because of this, if you change the name of your system, Time Machine should also update the name of the backup drive instead of creating a new set of backups for the new team name.


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