In a twist to the much hyped wedding of Sara Khan and Ali Merchant on the reality show, Bigg Boss 4, Sarah's parents have shown that the two had already tied the knot two years ago. "His nikaah took place two years ago, but told us not to tell the media by the merchantfamily, which would have affected his career, "says Seema Khan's mother, Sara. Interestingly, nikaah photos of the couple, which took place on November 10, 2008 Sara's residence in Bhopal, appeared in the media communication, a day before his wedding in the Bigg Boss house.
Sara's family also claims that the channel organized the wedding without telling Sara about the death of his grandmother. "We did not want this nikaah (screen) to go through Sara's grandmother passed away recently. But despite our requests, neither the Bigg Boss team, or dealer, said Sara. If they had said, would have denied herself "said Seema.
Sara Ali Sara Ali does not love and it is only after his fame and money, "added Angel Sara's sister. To make matters worse, some Muslim clerics were announced on Wednesday to say that for a qazi to perform a wedding that has already occurred is against Islam.
Buzz is that Sara and the merchant were paid Rs 50 lakh to get married on television. Refuting this, Seema said: "Sara was not paid. But Ali was likely."
When contacted, a family of merchants, however, continues to deny his previous marriage. "I just committed," says Salma, the mother of the merchant.
Sara's family also claims that the channel organized the wedding without telling Sara about the death of his grandmother. "We did not want this nikaah (screen) to go through Sara's grandmother passed away recently. But despite our requests, neither the Bigg Boss team, or dealer, said Sara. If they had said, would have denied herself "said Seema.
Sara Ali Sara Ali does not love and it is only after his fame and money, "added Angel Sara's sister. To make matters worse, some Muslim clerics were announced on Wednesday to say that for a qazi to perform a wedding that has already occurred is against Islam.
Buzz is that Sara and the merchant were paid Rs 50 lakh to get married on television. Refuting this, Seema said: "Sara was not paid. But Ali was likely."
When contacted, a family of merchants, however, continues to deny his previous marriage. "I just committed," says Salma, the mother of the merchant.
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