Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tea Party Wants Marco Rubio Win In Prop 19

Atlanta Concerns that the movement of nascent Tea Party hinder the return to relevance for the Republicans are rapidly giving way as the election results the day suggest that, in fact, the decentralized protest movement conservative GOP helped give a sheet route to success.

"The biggest tea party is today," said Sen. Jim DeMint, a favorite of tea big party in a victory speech in South Carolina Homestate. On Tuesday night, Paul Rand, a Senate candidate from Kentucky, called his victory a "tidal wave Tea Party."
Tea Party by Marco Rubio supported Republicans in the Florida (U.S. Senate), John Boozman Arkansas (U.S. Senate), and Nikki Haley in South Carolina (governor) also were coasting to convincing victories Tuesday, even as a candidate of the most famous tea parties, Christine O'Donnell, failed in his attempt to win a Senate seat in Delaware. Glen Urqhart, also Tea Party candidate in Delaware, lost his bid for a seat in the House, too.

But more importantly, the tea party, which at first concerned and, frankly, frightens both Democrats and Republicans running, he helped give rabies turbulent economy and persistently high unemployment figures to a national fan. Tuesday exit polls gave the Republicans an advantage over the participation and passion, pointing the way for a Republican-controlled House of Representatives.
At 9:17, CNN had predicted that Republicans won control of the House of Representatives.
"The main effect of the tea party to be generated enormous strength for the Republicans, and Republican candidates up and down vote," said Whit Ayres, a veteran Republican pollster, the Wall Street Journal Gerald Sieb.
Of course, the depressing effect of the economy in general in the Democratic voter turnout, an unpopular bill for health care, and President Obama stumbles own leadership played a major role in "rapid reversal of Democrats joined Republicans to victory in 2008.
Although despised by many liberals, the little tea party organized - which has among its principles, an audit of the Federal Reserve, the repeal of the national health law and tax cuts - captured the mood of the country, with some surveys indicate that up to 48 percent of Americans have a somewhat positive movement.
"The victories of the Tea Party by Paul Rand Marco Rubio Kentucky and Florida, highlighted the extent to which Republicans and Democrats alike may have underestimated the power of the tea party, a loosely affiliated, sometimes poorly defined coalition of grass-roots libertarians and disaffected Republicans, "Michael Cooper writes in the New York Times.
No doubt some Republicans, including former Bush strategist, Karl Rove, have flouted the rough size of candidates - including Ms. O'Donnell in Delaware - Tea Party has relied on some races. (Loss of O'Donnell could help the Senate remains in Democratic hands.) And it is still far from clear to what extent candidates linked tea party will be able to force Congress to hold off a government spending Once they are in power.
However, over the vociferous debate health care and after the surprise election of Scott Brown to the seat Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts in February, many Republicans chose to embrace the message of the tea party irritable and difficult to manage often goes to Tuesday's election.
In August, the minority leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, told NBC's "Meet the Press" that the rise of the tea party said "broad public support for doing something about spending too much and too much debt. "
Senator McConnell went on to say: "I think [tea party] has been very helpful There is a great excitement in our primaries, and I think that will produce victory in November.."


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