Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who Win California Governor Race?

With elections for governor of California in his last hours, the political will to back throughout the day in some of the key moments in this year's historic race.
After more than a year of politicking, with about $ 250 million spent, the race to replace Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger ended with the two major party candidates sweeping the state and rallying his troops.
Jerry Brown embarked on a marathon of 12 cities, three-day tour of California, stretching from Eureka to San Diego. Whitman crossed the state itself, the state bus tour and an airplane, meeting small groups of voters and attending large political gatherings.
Michael J. Mishak was with Brown in his last tour of California:

Jerry Brown smiled. Democratic gubernatorial candidate was half of his stump speech Monday morning in San Diego when the crowd in the courtyard of Café Coyote started chanting his name: "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!"

It was the tenth campaign stop in three days, and three more rallies ahead, Brown enjoyed the support. "I wish things got tough I could just invoke the name and something would happen," he said, to laughter. "But that only works on the campaigns. When it comes to government, is a little trench warfare through the ideological minefields and narrow-mindedness of people openly committed to its inadequate ideas."
On Halloween, Burbank Whitman was speaking to an enthusiastic crowd, insisting he was still locked in a close race. Seema Mehta covered the event:

"You know what? Our internal surveys and some public opinion polls now show that it is a draw. And if we go to November 2 in a tie, what happens? Won!" The results are in the hands of his supporters, "said , urging sure your friends and relatives of the polls on Tuesday.

"This is a very important election. It is a battle for the soul of California," he said. "You can start to feel the excitement." Whitman reiterated his three priorities - that would cut wasteful government spending, boost the economy and fix the public schools.

She said that Brown was planning to raise taxes, basing his observation on the comments by former Gov. Gray Davis that the next governor would be forced to ask voters to renew temporary tax increases passed last year to help balance the budget.

Davis, "said Jerry Brown has no new ideas to solve this budget is going to be a tax increase on the ballot," said Whitman.

"Talk about March Madness. Who wants to raise taxes during a recession? You will not see that Whitman administration."
The campaign ended with Brown in his hometown of Oakland, feeling the love from the crowd.

"This is the end of the season. This is a rally. This is not an academic conference," said Brown. "If you want my plans to go to my website. ... Whitman's plan is mostly pictures. See, I have more respect for you. They treat you like an adult. You can read without pictures."

The crowd applauded. A woman shouted: "I love you!"
"Well, I love you too. I do not know who you are, but if you love me then I love you," said Brown. "That's the way this thing will work in the future. We all love each other. In fact, given all the hostility and anger and bitterness, we need a little love back in Sacramento."


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