Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kristi Noem Election photos

There was a large crowd of about 200 people in the Republican Ambassadors luncheon today at the Holiday Inn in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Several visitors distinguished speakers on hand as well. South Dakota, the governor-elect Dennis Daugaard was there with his wife Linda. South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley was also present. Kristi Noem elected Congressman was there with her husband and Byron all his children. In addition, most lawmakers Black Hills area Republican who won reelection last night were also present.
Below is a slideshow of some photos of the event and a video clip of the final speech of Naomi. In it, he spoke about what he plans to do in Washington: the promotion of small government and limited spending cuts to bring it under control, promote personal responsibility and decisions.
"Common sense," she said, "is what we need to get this country moving again."
She said she did not take lightly the responsibility that the people of South Dakota had given her, and she hopes to be your voice in Washington, thanking them for their confidence in it.
No wonder it was approved by Tea Party people in South Dakota. And we'll be watching to ensure that our new favorite Congressman does not get "Potomac Fever."


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