Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lindsay Lohan “Disappointed” After Learning Updates

Lindsay Lohan is "disappointed" after learning she may not have enough time with his family before going to court rehabilitation after his release from prison, her lawyer said.

Sean the Chapman Holley asserts that it is not clear whether her celebrity client will have the opportunity to spend time with his mother and siblings before she enters the clinic as part of her probation.

The actress, who was sentenced to 90 days behind bars for violating her parole in connection with the arrest of 2,007 DUI, remains in the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, California.

At the time of sentencing, he ordered a 3-month stay at the rehabilitation center no later than 24 hours after she graduated in jail.

"She was a little upset now ... She wanted to spend more time with his family, and there is at least some question about that, it is not necessary to go directly to the rehabilitation center," said Holly

"There currently is click on it to go directly to the rehabilitation of prison. I think it would be only fair for her to spend some time with his family and that's what she would like me to focus () judge."

Lohan is expected to be released as early as next week - two weeks after she began her sentence.

Meanwhile, his father, Michael Lohan said that he reached for the stars including Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Wahlberg to intervene and help his daughter's worried.

He says he fears jail will have a negative impact on his daughter, he argues, suffer from prescription drug addiction, and he asked Downey Jr., and Wahlberg, who have both spent behind bars to help.

"My people are drawn to Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Wahlberg. I know them both, and Mark great human being. I hope he sees her as she gets out and it comes out this recovery and to get these prescription Meds, and she get back his life, "he told radio station Tennessee River.
Downey Jr. was imprisoned for many times as he battled raging drug habit between 1996 and 2001. In addition, he spent time in court rehabilitation before finally kicked his addiction and the revival of his career, while Wahlberg battled drug addiction as a teenager, and spent 45 days in jail after he was convicted of assault.


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