Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Google Social Network

Google Social Network: Imagine that you can use your online social network in exactly the same way you use the connected network: in the bars you meet your friends, a few rude jokes and dress in jeans and T-shirt and the meeting of the Rotary Club you will meet business contacts and social equals, dress in jeans and a blazer and discussion of the national health care and what it will cost. So far this has not been entirely possible.

Facebook, if anything, has succeeded in relations, including all common areas, along with friends, according to some studies, has begun to affect the activity of hand wall posts to start a flame war, that people turn away.
Google believes it has found an answer to Google + basically a Google-style network, which places the individual at the center of social networking, and give them easy to distinguish between online relationships and what he shared with them, each of which is a circle separate influence.
Soft-launched by Google, Google + project (as it is currently called) is not a concept "soft". The blog posts Google made a big deal out of control that the individual has also announced that the concept has been involved in all our products, know-how and expertise to end users what they want at the end. 
Even if we discount the fact that Google, which has more than a year now been rumored to be preparing their own counter on Facebook, it is unlikely to want to see these efforts and sparkle is back with all its power There is even - obvious advantage of using a social network for marketing, which is completely transparent to the Google-bot (Facebook is not), allows your website and marketing activities instantly and seamlessly integrates your SEO activities.
Right now, with its release in beta + Google is only one unknown factor to deal with.
But then a Google button, just a few weeks ago and already its absorption through the Internet has been impressive.
 My guess is that in a few months + Google has begun to make its presence felt (and benefits) of felt and change the way we manage social media marketing, in the process.
Will it be enough to Facebook obsolete? Maybe not immediately, but Google does BING afterthought few really care about, it is quite conceivable that they will also do the same for Facebook.


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